
Lifestyle factors such as smoking, excess alcohol consumption and limited physical activities may lead to an increased risk of ED.

Erectile Dysfunction: Symptoms, Risk Factors, Treatment Options And More

Treatment options for erectile dysfunction include medical assistance and social support

Erectile dysfunction (ED) is one of the most common penile problems that cause difficulty in getting and maintaining erection for intercourse. Nearly 40% of the entire male population above the age of 40 years and over 70% of men above the age of 70 years are affected by ED. It is normal to experience occasional ED, which usually occurs due to high levels of stress and lifestyle change, however, the issue arises when an individual is experiencing ED repeatedly. It may be an indicator of some underlying condition and treatment would be required to solve the issue.

It’s essential to realise that male sexual arousal is a multifaceted process involving the blood vessels, brain, muscles, nerves and other tissues. Therefore, if there is an issue with them, it may lead to erectile dysfunction. Physical and psychological issues can sometimes have a direct effect on erection. Similarly, abrupt lifestyle changes, elevated stress levels, and sleep deprivation can also set off this illness. Men’s erectile dysfunction can also be caused by a number of medical disorders, including diabetes, liver illness, high blood pressure and cardiovascular disorders. The arteries narrow and stiffen as a result of cardiovascular disease (CVD) and hypertension, which reduces blood flow to the body, can also have an impact on the erection.

Risk factors for ED:

1. Co-morbidities: Men can develop ED as a result of long-term diseases such as diabetes, cardiovascular conditions and hypertension.

2. Poor lifestyle choices: Lifestyle factors such as smoking, excess alcohol consumption and limited physical activities may lead to an increased risk of ED.

3. Psychological factors: Anxiety, depression and stress can significantly worsen ED or worsen the existing problems. High levels of chronic stress and performance anxiety can also lead to stress-induced ED.

Treatment options for ED:

There are a variety of treatment options available such as oral medications that boost blood flow into the penis. Changing lifestyle choices is also a good approach to treating ED, such as quitting smoking, reducing alcohol intake and routine exercises can help to improve erectile function. Psychotherapy is another form of treatment that is used to help deal with stress, anxiety and depression leading to curing ED which is caused by psychological factors. Even while adopting a healthier lifestyle has its advantages, further therapies could be required to fully recover from ED. Newer therapies like penile implants are effective treatment options in cases where standard treatments are not helpful or other alternatives cannot be used because of certain medical conditions.

Treatment options for erectile dysfunction include medical assistance and social support. It is a treatable condition but it is imperative that we have open conversations about it and inform people about how common the disorder is. Helping those who are silently suffering from this serious ailment is feasible with the correct medical care, societal acceptance, and support.

(Dr Ashish Sabharwal, Senior Consultant in Urology / Andrology and Robotic Surgery, Apollo Hospital, New Delhi)

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